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Book Talk with Nettie Anderson @Arty43808891

This week’s guest on Book Talk is Nettie Anderson, whose debut novel, Out of the Blue, was published in October 2021. It’s a story of love, family, and friendship set in the beautiful Yorkshire Wolds, in a hamlet with the gorgeous name of Barley Ford. Nettie is currently working on her second book but took time out to answer my questions. Welcome to the blog, Nettie. Can you tell our readers a little bit about yourself please.



I often think of myself as an ageing hippy, going with the flow of life. Though often the flow is interrupted by boulders and twists and turns. Early retirement enabled me to finally concentrate on my writing. Last year, I self – published with the support of Heddon Publishing ‘Out of the Blue’.

Writing has always been a way of escaping the boulders. Currently, my other half and I are sharing my daughter’s home. Having made the difficult decision to downsize, sell and then lose the house we thought was ideal. The cosmos it seems had other ideas. We are now waiting for the conclusion of a new purchase. There is a new writing hut to be excited about and a new garden to plan.

Gardening, reading, music crafting and my family make up some of what makes me tick.


Thanks, Nettie. So what’s the first book you remember reading or owning?

My mother ensured I could read before I went to school so books filled the house. I think the Mystery series by Enid Blyton was among my favourites.


Oh, Enid Blyton is popular with so many of my guests. I’m a huge fan of her books myself, and I loved the Mystery series. Is there any particular favourite? Or would you say you had another childhood favourite book?

Although I loved reading The Mystery of the Burnt Cottage and the rest of the series, I read a book called The Riddle of the Blue Moon by Leonard Gribble, slightly more grown up but still a mystery. I believe this theme of mysteries influenced my writing today.


Do you read any genres apart from the one you write in?

Reaching big birthdays, reminds me that I have read so many books. Although I love reading about how women overcome their hurdles, with romance thrown in, I do love a cosy murder mystery. I’ve usually got two books on the go and love to dip in and out of non- fiction. History and poetry feature on my book shelves.


I’m with you on the cosy murder mystery books, and I also read a lot of non-fiction. Which author would you say had the biggest influence on you?

Agatha Christie is my all – time favourite. In an age when women were finding their place in society, she just blows me away. How she weaves the puzzles and bring everything to a conclusion is inspiring. If I’m allowed a second choice it would Cecelia Ahern. Her stories are imaginative and thought provoking.


Agatha Christie’s books are fantastic. I’ve been doing the Read Christie challenge for the last couple of years and I’m really enjoying working my way through her novels. I think I’ve read one Cecelia Ahern book and I remember I enjoyed it. So many books, so little time! So do you ever go back and read a book more than once?

I rarely read books more than once. There are so many stories out there to discover.


Given that answer, do you have a go-to comfort read?

Poetry is my go too for comfort. I’m a real fan of the romantic poets. Give me Wordsworth and Shelley any time.


That’s such an interesting answer. I do love poetry that stirs the soul. I’m a fan of Wordsworth too, and I love Shakespeare’s sonnets. So beautiful. When it comes to novels do you prefer series or standalone?

I don’t have a preference. I’ve loved Elly Griffiths series about Dr Ruth Galloway. Ruth Galloway is a character everyone can relate to. I’m, also a great fan of the Inspector Montalbano stories.


I’ve heard so many people raving about Elly Griffiths’ books. I bought The Crossing Places to read ages ago and I still haven’t got round to it, but I definitely intend to. Have you ever preferred a television series or film to the book it was based on?

When I was at school, we watched the film Professor Brainstorm. We were reading the book in class. It spoilt the read for me. Nothing in the film matched to how I imagined the characters in my head. Now, I’m older I appreciate the poetic licence of these mediums.


Is there any particular book that inspired you to write?

I’m not sure any one book inspired me to write. My mum encouraged me to write when she realised I was always making up my own stories. She believed in me and pushed me to realise anything was possible if you applied yourself. Plus, my English teacher who impressed upon us to look around and see the stories before us.


What’s your next book about?

Edward’s Story is my next work in progress. A story of loss and recovery. Plenty of mystery and a bit of romance thrown in.


And what’s next for you, Nettie?

Who knows, hopefully finally moving into our new home and seeing what evolves. Though I’m working on a children’s story so there’s bound to be magic!


Thank you for popping over to talk to us. Good luck with the writing!

Nettie Anderson was runner up in the Val Wood Yorkshire Prize 2020 with Coastal Surprise

 You can find out more about her on her website, or her blog, or follow her on Twitter as @Arty43808891 


Out of the Blue


Image shows cover of Nettie Anderson's Out of the Blue. Illustration of young woman sitting in front of lake thinking. Green hills in background. Blue and yellow leaves make a frame of the cover.
Click to buy



They say change is as good as a rest, but Daisy is hoping for both when she escapes to Barley Ford. Is it possible that some time in this tiny remote hamlet can help her get her life back on track?

Daisy is a moderately successful writer of fantasy fiction, but she is struggling to complete the final book of her Rose Water Chronicles trilogy. No amount of pressure from her agent and editor can take her mind off the resurfacing memories of her childhood, when her mother left her and her dad, with no apology and apparently no explanation.

Daisy is becoming increasingly anxious, putting at risk her health and her career. With encouragement from her dad and best friend, she agrees to take a break deep in the countryside, hopeful that the solitude and beautiful surroundings will bring her peace of mind and enable her to finally finish her story.

So much for solitude, however. And so much for writing! Progress is slow as the truth about her mother begins to unravel. At the same time, Daisy is drawn into the Barley Ford community, which happens to include a handsome farmer by the name of Tom Weaver.

Daisy slowly learns the truth about her past, and realises she needs to learn how to trust people, too.

Is it possible that opening her heart to love will set her free?